WRAP Announces UK Plastics Pact

The Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) in the UK has announced the formation of a new "Plastics Pact", aimed at bringing together businesses from across the entire plastics value chain with UK governments and NGOs to tackle the scourge of plastic waste.
Following on from the Chinese governments decision to close the door on plastic imports from the UK and Europe, together with subsequent reports into the negative effects that this decision will have on pollution rates within the UK, the Pacts formation can be viewed as a positive step from public and private entities within the UK.
WRAP claim that the Pact will "stimulate innovative new business models to reduce the total amount of plastic packaging. It will also help build a stronger recycling system, where we take more responsibility for our own waste, and ensure plastic packaging can be effectively recycled and made into new products and packaging and, with the support of governments, ensure consistent UK recycling is met."
More information on the Plastics Pact and how companies can join is found here.